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ATLANTIS Industrial Systems

ATLANTIS Industrial Systems

ATLANTIS Industrial Systems

ATLANTIS Industrial Systems is positioned at the Ukrainian automation market as provider of components, modules, technical solutions and ready-to-use “turnkey” implementations of industrial computer automation.

We offer to equipment manufacturers and implementator companies in different areas – from avionics and telecommunications to metallurgy:
- full technical assistance in optimal choice of iPC platforms, gadgets and solutions
- value-added distribution of iPC parts from world leading manufacturers
- online technical (warranty&post-warranty) support and troubleshooting through full lifecycle of delivered modules
- development and manufacturing of unique gadgets (from CPU modules to signal conditioners) using leading-edge technologies

High quality and reliability of our services is secured by our 10-year successful experience as well as by long-term cooperation with best manufacturers in the world.

We manufacture serially the devices of own design which are in demand – say, e-boxes or optoelectronic sensors.
We offer to various branches of industry the full cycle of “turnkey” implementation of iPC automation solutions:
- thorough study of technology and equipment to be automated
- development of detailed technical requirements and system design
- delivery of standard parts , development and manufacturing of specific gadgets
- development of algorithms and of corresponding applied software for measurement and control
- assembling, adjustment and putting system into regular operation
- personnel training and technical support of implemented system

Series of installations were performed for the systems of mass/length control in tube-rolling, for control of gas-powered heating furnaces. The complex control system for testing the wearing-off the highway surfaces (including controlling of asynchronous electric motors by means of frequency transformation, measuring the surface profile and tension in layers of road cover-pie) can be served as example of more “exotic” implementation.
Complex approach to iPC/IT solutions is supported by such special departments of ATLANTIS as Internet Services Provider and Network Technologies

Office PC and peripheral equipment handling
Development of applied software for information processing

Phone/Fax: +380 567 702 0

37th Shevchenko Street,
City Dnipropetrovsk,,
Dnipropetrovska oblast

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 Technology products
 Equipment | tools made in Ukraine