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Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund

Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund

Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund

Our Mission The Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund is a humanitarian organization established to protect and save the lives of children confronting the human legacy of the world’s worst environmental disaster. It serves as an informational, resource bridge for the United States, Ukraine and the world community. CCRDF is a registered non-profit humanitarian medical relief organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America.

Our Philosophy
The Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund is committed to the worldwide preservation of humankind in a spirit of charity and goodwill, making Chornobyl an example never to be repeated.

Our Objectives * Procure, deliver and distribute high quality medical supplies, pharmaceuticals and the latest in medical technology.
* Strengthen the medical infrastructure in Ukraine through physicians’ training, pharmaceutical development and research on illnesses related to environmental contamination.
* Lower maternal and infant mortality by implementing long term preventative healthier and nutritional programs.
* Empower communities through economic development and self-sustainability.
* Facilitate informational exchange between medical communities in the East and West.
* Monitor health trends, educational programs, medical, health and environmental grants and initiatives.
* Mobilize and coordinate a broad spectrum of constituent groups in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

What makes Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund the leading medical aid organization serving Ukraine?
* Thirty-one Airlifts and Fifteen Sea Shipments delivering over 1,300 tons of humanitarian aid valued at over $52 million dollars.
* Innovative programs to correct life-threatening birth defects.
* Delivery of life-saving medication and surgical supplies for hundreds of children with thyroid cancer and blood disorders.
* The finest regional biochemistry laboratory in Eastern Europe certified in 1997
* The best-equipped treatment center in Ukraine for children suffering from leukemia and various blood disorders
* The first MRI system in Kyiv serving over 10,000 patients
* Model neonatal centers in Dnipropetrovsk, Lutsk, Lviv, and Chernihiv
* Physicians’ Training Program for specialists in neonatology, pediatrics, cardiac and orthopedic surgery, radiology and other specialties
* State-of-the-art cancer screenings for over 6,000 patients
* Publication of health booklets and community outreach programs to educate young mothers on proper prenatal care

* Note: CCRDF uses the Ukrainian spelling of Chornobyl recommended by he US Library of Congress and the National Geographic Society as opposed to the Russified "Chernobyl" spelling used during the Soviet era. Similarly, CCRDF uses the spelling Kyiv as opposed to Kiev in designating local sites.


Phone: +380 444 941 535

25/28 Khreschatyk Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

Other Categories:
 Non-profit organizations in Ukraine