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Company Avers

Company Avers

Company Avers

History of "Avers" begins from 1992, when a private scientific-manufacturing firm "Avers" was officially registered. It was a hard time of economic wrecking of Ukraine, a period of division of republics of Soviet Union.

Very few enterprises substantiated on market at that time succeeded in keeping their positions to this time. The fate of "Avers" was not simple too. Overcoming the hard times of transition period of economics, "Avers" was assimilating new markets and developing.

Economic ties between Russia and Ukraine were affected, and even in such situation "Avers" supplied Russia with equipment from Ukraine, provided export-import customs services to his clients, directed the accompaniment of economics operations... Commodity circulation grew. For service of structural units of the enterprise has ripened need for own transport. In 1994 branch "Avers-transport " has been registered.

Now transportations are carried out not only for the decision of own industrial problems, but also under orders of other enterprises and organizations. Despite of difficult economic situation in the country, joint-stock company "Avers" continues to form the financial and economic policy, being guided by economic necessity, and also understanding the necessity of social and economic development of region. The problem of increasing an overall performance demanded opening the Russian office. In 1995 the representation in Belgorod was registered. The basic direction of activity became export of the various equipment to the CIS countries.

For today corporation "Avers" unites a number of enterprises working in various spheres of the market. "Artes-M" - the enterprise which occupies with preparation of materials for furniture manufacturing, from 1997 being one of largest suppliers and manufacturers of products on technology "postforming". Cafe "Arsenal" and « The First Golf-club » opened in 2000, called to diversify leisure of the townspeople and visitors of Kharkov to make it more substantial, interesting. Well and, certainly, the headquarters plant, the beginning of the beginnings – joint-stock company "Avers", it's basic direction of development remains improvement of tactics of export to the different CIS countries, the organization of perspective partnership with leading firms-manufacturers, import abroad.

Phone: +380 577 591 889

17th Kharkovskikh divisiy Street,
City Kharkiv,,
Kharkivska oblast

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