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Department of Surgical Dentistry

Department of Surgical Dentistry

Department of Surgical Dentistry

Department of Surgical Dentistry with Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of M.Gorky Donetsk National Medical University Donetsk Interregional Center of Children's Maxillofacial Surgery.

Our site is dedicated to questions of maxillo-facial surgery and stomatology. In the parts of the site you will find information about history of the chair of surgical stomatology with maxillo-facial surgery clinic DNMU, her collaborators, investigations and success, a volume rendered on chair and in clinic of consulting and medical help, the new original elaborations and scientific researches are represented. Students have a possibility to obtain necessary information for preparation to employments and to examinations.

The separate part is dedicated to rendering skilled consulting help with use of Internet possibilities (telemedicine). In given part we invite to active collaboration of all of interested persons (as maxillo-facial surgeons and stomatologist, so and doctors of contiguous specialities).

One of directions of the site - publication of materials on actual questions of maxillo-facial surgery and stomatology, acquaintance of our colleagues with new patients cure methods with diverse pathology of maxillo-facial domain.
Separately references on interesting (from our point of view) sites are also represented, dedicated to medicine questions and domains contiguous with her of man vital functions.
We hope, that our site will be interesting not only to maxillo-facial surgeons, but and to doctors of other specialities, who have a desire to enrich their knowledge in domain of maxillo-facial surgery .

Phone: +380 623 115 815

46th R. Luxemburg Street,
City Donetsk,,
Donetska oblast

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