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    Our team builds the websites that are fully comply with Ukrainian mentality, there for you have a chance to win the local
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It's an aggressive world out there, a business jungle, where only the strongest and the best-managed companies prosper. It is a world of power and power players, where success and failure are divided by the finest of lines, where power is demonstrated by success, by achievement and most of all, by corporate strength. There are market leaders, but there are many others who started at the same time and failed. So what is it that makes some the tiger and others their prey? Whole libraries have been written on the reasons for business success but in the end it comes down to three simple factors-a good idea, a dedicated team and knowledge. However, today the world is changing and developing so fast and dynamicly that success in business depends on more than just your own experience.

We, at EBS, have over 70 combined years of success in business across a wide range of industries and countries that we bring to your company to help you to become the Tiger in your part of the jungle!

EBS - is a leading business consulting company. Our expertise is not simply a western theory. We have been in the East European 'jungles' since 1998 and have accumulated a vast wealth of experience. Our client list includes over 300 local and multinational client across a wide spectrum of industry, for whom we have completed successfully over 500 projects. We understand the region and the philosophies that drive it, but most importantly, we understand how to unleash the potential of organizations operating in this jungle!

EBS is member of UHY, an international association of independent accounting and consulting firms, whose organising body is Urbach Hacker Young International Limited, a UK company. Each member of UHY is a separate and independent firm. The services described herein are provided by EBS and not by Urbach Hacker Young International Limited or any other member of UHY. Neither Urbach Hacker Young International Limited nor any member of UHY has any liability for services provided by other members.

Phone: +380 442 497 905

13-A Universytetska Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

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