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FotyMody Company

FotyMody Company

FotyMody Company

Mission of FotyMody Company: the development of fashion photography, making Ukraine the part of the map of world fashion.

The company`s occupation:
• provision of services consurning with the organization and shooting of fashion photoshootings – FotyMody Production;
• publishing of online magazine of fashion photo shoots – FotyMody;
• analytical researches of the fashion industry – FotyMody Analytics;
• active search, support, teaching of fashion process participants – FotyMody Education.

FotyMody Production - provision of services concerning with the organization and shooting of fashion photoshootings. 15 years of experience in the segment of fashion photography, unique style, the aesthetics of the fashion capitals (Milan, Paris, New York).

Potential clients of FotyMody Production:

• for designers: lookbook, catalogue, image shooting, the advertising campaign of the brand;
• for magazines: shooting of the cover, fashion-story;
• for modeling agencies, models and models-begginers: portfolio, model tests;
• for other clients: advertising or fashion shooting.

Phone: +380 975 015 577

L'vivska oblast

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 Show business in Ukraine