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Foundation Rinata Achmetova

Foundation Rinata Achmetova

Foundation Rinata Achmetova

Building the Future is the philosophy that drives the Foundation.

The Foundation lays the basis for the successful and sustainable development of Ukrainian society by investing in the education of future generations, improving the nation?s health, as well as preservation and development of Ukrainian culture.

- To encourage the most talented and motivated young people, i.e. the most valuable resources of the Ukrainian society to realize their potential, and to develop a strategy to benefit the best employees of the national education system. 
- To implement and support state-of-the-art treatment processes and medical practices, introduce institutional changes in the health care system, and persuade Ukrainians to take more care of their health. 
- To cooperate with the government to preserve the national culture and traditions and finance innovative projects designed to make a cultural breakthrough.

Foundation's Activity Principles
Transparency - the highest standards of information openness and operation of the Foundation on all stages from making decisions straight to summing up the results
Independence - no opportunistic or populist motives in the decisions made
Effectiveness - commitment to get the utmost possible social effect from invested efforts and funds, and consolidate efforts of the Foundation and partners
Professionalism - professional expertise, professional realization, and professional coordination of activity
Practice-oriented approach - commitment to achieve the set goals

We know what we want to achieve and we follow a clear strategy

Phone: +380 623 434 595

117th Postysheva Street,
City Donetsk,,
Donetska oblast

Other Categories:
 Non-profit organizations in Ukraine