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Kharkov lifting and transportation equipment plant ( "KHARKOV L & T EQUIPMENT PLANT" Ltd.) produces and offers you hoisting and conveying machines for the mechanization of your operations. Nowadays "KHARKOV L & T EQUIPMENT PLANT" Ltd. produces both general-purpose hoisting and conveying machines and machines specially designed for operations in your particular business. "KHARKOV L & T EQUIPMENT PLANT"Ltd. will help you to solve problems concerning the mechanization of handling, hoisting and conveying operations at large-scale industrial enterprises and small-scale businesses taking into account the environmental conditions typical of your locality, as well as the mode of operations.

To satisfy growing requirements for hoisting and conveying equipment, "KHARKOV L & T EQUIPMENT PLANT" Ltd. makes constant efforts to improve the quality, reliability, technical and ergonomic characteristics of machines produced. The plant can guarantee each customer the supply of spare parts and components, upgrading and renovation of hoisting and conveying machines.

"KHARKOV L & T EQUIPMENT PLANT" Ltd. holds its business partners in respect and supplies hoisting and conveying machines strictly according to the specified delivery schedule. Trusting relations with partners have developed on the basis of more than 70 years of experience and traditions of highly qualified personnel of the Kharkov Lenin Plant of Hoisting and Conveying Equipment.

Improvements in financial conditions, and implementing advanced technologies in the metallurgical industry of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, have boosted demand for crane equipment, primarily, for special traveling cranes intended for heavy and extremely heavy-duty conditions. The time has come when manufacturers of hoisting equipment cannot meet current demand. This challenge can be resolved by combining manufacturing and research efforts.

Therefore, we have created a Scientific-and-Production Corporation "Interpodyomtransmash", which incorporates leading machine-building enterprises, and development and design (D&D) institutes in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus whose core business is crane development and building.

Phone/Fax: +380 573 762 0

118th Ilicha Ave.,
City Kharkiv,,
Kharkivska oblast

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