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We live in the time when informational technologies are flourishing. But the production of envelopes is not an old-fashioned business. People need them everywhere!

Today the envelope is one of the most popular means of communication. The envelope is not only the “suit», which the information “wears». It is a business, ethical and even aesthetical component of our communication. While nowadays several million people are using internet in Ukraine, the informational service framed into the envelope is used practically by everyone.

The envelope connects us with the past and is a capsule into the future. For example, into the XXIII century.

Currently the factory “Kuvert-Ukraine» is the most stable national producer of envelopes. We produce almost 800 000 envelopes of almost all types and sizes during one shift.

We pay considerable attention to the quality of the product. Our enterprise is certified according to the international system ISO 9001 as to the 2001 version, and the product received a UkrSepro certificate. The control over the product on different stages of the production enables minimizing the percentage of defects.

“Kuvert-Ukraine» – is a Ukrainian section of the largest European envelope production concern "Mayer Kuvert Network" This fact provides a number of significant advantages to our enterprise:
— The production facilities bigger than in 40 European factories – 70 million envelopes daily
— Centralized steady supply of the raw materials, which corresponds to the highest quality standards
— Experience accumulated for decades, and we are always willing to share the experience with our partners

Steady partnership, coordinated work of the staff, timely shipping, innovations in the sphere of the advertisement envelope, all these factors are our payment for the trust to our enterprise. We invite everybody for cooperation!

We will always be willing to satisfy your demands, because for us: the impossible is possible!!!

Phone: +380 342 522 127

6th Makucha Street,
City Ivano-Frankivsk,,
Ivano-Frankivs'ka oblast

Other Categories:
 Light industry