Medical-Social Services Centre MyloserdyaA goal of our project to join all not indifferent people of any profession, age or social situation. Every day they find a time to make their own contribution to helping people with limited life prognosis. Helping people from marginal groups is the biggest part of our activity. We try to help who really needs it. Around us there are thousands of people who ask for help. It is very easy to close eyes and say without any noticing: every one for itself. But one of the components of our state is we - its citizens. And if we are different to neighbour's trouble, if charity is not our work, if someone's pain is no concern of ours, and if we are waiting for time when all will be done by others, we will not notice that these others are we and they are the same… Society where people quiet pass by someone's trouble is doomed to a ruin. Voluntary it is a realization of our personal traits which are staying closed during all the period of our life. Voluntary it is a responsible attitude to the world. Voluntary it is your own decision about helping your neighbour. Only your own free will but not a command or search for advantage is the basis of volunteer activity. But your free will doesn't bear fruits if responsibility and awareness are mot with it. Social indifference is a diagnosis of all society illness. Main rule of our activity is realizing. (License ÀÂ ¹367559 issued by the Ministry of Public Health in Ukraine, September, 21st, 2007) specializes in providing medical-social services to people. Phone: +380 442 289 804 Kievska oblast Other Categories: Non-profit organizations in Ukraine |