National Transport UniversityThe University incorporates 10 faculties, a technical lyceum, a business-school, general technical faculties in Lviv and Odessa. 39 Departments include 20 branches at the enterprises of railway transport.32 pre-institute centres operate in main railway junctions to attract young people for studying at the University. The teaching staff is of 450 teachers. Among them 70% have scientific degrees . At our University there are 49 doctors of sciences, 18 members of branch academies, 85 laureates of the state premiums,honoured workers of science, the higher school and branches of economy ones. Among the university teachers there are Soros' Professors and Associate Professors, and also the recipients of Fulbright's grants and International Scientific Fund grants which allow to have professional training periods in Germany, France,the USA. "Bridges and Tunnels" faculty Bridges and transport tunnels "Electrification of Railway Transport" faculty Electrotechnical systems of power consumption Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive Electric transport Heat-and-power engineering "Mechanical" faculty Rolling stock and special technics of railway transport Production, maintenance and repairing of locomotives Production, maintenance and repairing of cars. Lifting-transport, building, road, meliorative machines and equipment "Management of Transport Processes in Railway Transport" faculty Organization of transport and management in railway transport Transport systems Automatics and automation in transport "Organization of Railway Construction and Track Maintenance" faculty Railway constructions and facilities "Industrial and Civil Construction" faculty Industrial and civil construction Water supply and drainage systems Ecology and environmental protection "Economics and Management in Transport" faculty Accounting and auditing Management of the enterprises "Technical Cybernetics" faculty Software of automated systems Computer systems and networks Economic cybernetics Applied mathematics (mathematical modelling) "Military Training" faculty Military communication Construction and maintenance of railways Maintenance and repairing of mechanization facilities for railway construction Construction of artificial structures Phone: +380 567 761 166 2nd Lazarian Street, City Dnipropetrovsk,, Dnipropetrovska oblast Other Categories: Education available in Ukraine |