Tavolini parquetTavolini parquet is not just a trick of a fashion, it is a high art,culture, beauty and design which could not be influenced by time. Theparquet collections combine sophistication of the past and fashion ofthe present days, we can find here a reflection of the most world’sdesign progressive and advanced tendencies. Tavolini Parquet hadalready become a sign of taste and status, this parquet has its uniqueface, history, sense, it is charged by energy of the masters’ hands. Production of Tavolini parquet is a complicated work which could becompared to the jeweler’s work. One of the most important thing is thatour product is hand-made. Parquet collections reflect the besttraditions of Italian design, this brings our intuition to choose theTavolini brand because it bears a code of beauty, style, culture,exclusivity and quality. Tavolini’s portfolio includes the works from historical museums, banks,embassies and private cottages. The unique style of the Tavolini’sparquet could be noticed in any place it is laid. Phone: +380 444 927 945 4th Nikolay Grinchenko Street, City Kiev,, Kievska oblast Other Categories: Light industry Construction | Builders in Ukraine |