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The Clinical Institute of Kyiv Guild of Physicians

The Clinical Institute of Kyiv Guild of Physicians

The Clinical Institute of Kyiv Guild of Physicians

The medical community represented by professional guild of Kyiv physicians with its leaders - graduates of medical faculty of St. Volodymyr University (M.A. Levytskyi, O.Z.Lazariev, Ye.L.Sklovskyi, G.B.Bykhovskyi, I.I Frumin etc) laid the foundation of the Clinical Institute of Advanced Training (1918).

Thus, 90 years ago having started its activities with separate courses of advanced training and having at its disposal only one polyclinic as a training base with a small number of visits, for the years of its existence National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L.Shupyk has become a powerful and leading institution of post-diploma medical education and powerful scientific centre which comprises 6 faculties, 74 departments of different specialties, over 600 scientific-pedagogical and research workers including more than 180 professors and doctors of medical sciences, 410 candidates of sciences, which is one of the highest indices in Ukraine.

Its educational base is located in administration and morphologic offices with an area of about 8, 000 m2 and its clinical base comprises almost 11, 000 hospital beds in modern medical establishments and scientific-research institutes in Kyiv.

The staff of the Academy has been contributing a lot to the development of Ukrainian medicine by promoting the reform of health care in Ukraine in general and the reform of higher medical education in particular.

Phone: +380 442 054 946

9th Dorogozhytska Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

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 Education available in Ukraine
 Health | Medical services