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Tsentralnaya Mining and Dressing Plant

Tsentralnaya Mining and Dressing Plant

Tsentralnaya Mining and Dressing Plant

Tsentralnaya Mining and Dressing Plant is located in the town of Antratsyt, Lugansk region, and consists of several coal mines and Tsentralna dressing mill. The enterprise has been mining coal for more than five years and has operation experience on domestic and foreign fuel markets. Tsentralnaya Mining and Dressing Plant earn reputation of safe business partner, gain clients respect, many of them become constant customers now.

The main production of mill are high-quality coal of Donets Basin mark of ÀÊ, ÀÎ, ÀÌ,ÀSH. Our production is characterized as high-quality, low containing of sulfur, optimal prices.

Thanks to high-quality rates of coal and low containing of sulfur, the coal which we deliver have high customer demand in countries of European Community. Its coal products are exported to Poland, Moldova, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries of CIS.

The enterprise has started construction of a new coalmine and works. Is conducted technical re-equipment, actively implement energy-efficient and alternative technology.

Tsentralna Mining and Dressing Plant interested in cooperation for the following joint activity (as concerns anthracite coal and the abovementioned region):
1.Effective mine working, cultivation of coal bed (capacity of 0.8–1.2 meters);
2.Dressing of mined bulk and waste coal (raw coal, sludge, rock dump with active usage of energy-efficient and alternative technology);
3.Production of electricity based on coal products (by method of supplying with gas of coal production or other technical decisions);
4.Production of filtrate and absorbent from A-type coal;
5.Product of proximate analysis of qualitative coal production characteristics;
6.Reduction of sulphur mass fraction in mined coal;
7.Energy-efficient equipment for reduction of moisture proportion in concentrate (drying). Application of heat-generator on coal materials for reduction of moisture proportion in materials;
8.Setting up production facilities that use anthracite coal and their byproducts. Production of construction materials from mining waste;
9.Other production technologies applied in coal industry that require technical information and equipment proposed by your company;
10.Options for using worked-out mines;
11.Disposal and processing of industrial and other waste;
12.Alternative ways of energy production

We will consider all your propositions on mutual cooperation in development and introduction of new technologies, purchasing equipment, information and joint implementation prospective technologies for mining activity and enrichment of mountain mass, at our dressing mill in Antratsyt, in cooperation of realization prospective joint projects, other economic prospective business plans.Thank you in anticipation for any information concerning the abovementioned directions or contacts of enterprises that may possess such information.

Phone: +380 955 909 544

City Antratsyt,,
Luganska oblast

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 Natural resources available in Ukraine