UkrTechnoFoodsProduction & trade company «UkrTechnoFoods» has been active in the market since 1994. The major directions of the activity: design and manufacturing of the modern high-technology food equipment. Our products are widely known not only in Ukraine, but also beyond its borders (Russia, Byelorussia, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Egypt). All works are carried out at own enterprise, situated in the outskirts of Kyiv. The firm employs qualified specialists with a great working experience. Manifold equipment, designed and manufactured by us, effectively operates at such well-known enterprises as "Kraft Foods Ukraine" (chips & chocolate factory), "Reemstma Kyiv" (tobacco factory), "ROSHEN", "Veres", "May Tea", "Johnson & Johnson", Kyiv pasta factory, Simferopol pasta factory and a lot of others. Many years the company has been functioning under the trade mark „Cruise”. On January, 1, 2008, in view of widening of the activities, by the decision of the founders, the company was restructured. The equipment producing plant was detached into a separate enterprise «UkrTechnoFoods» with the trade mark «UTF». This allows, by using the multi-year experience and accumulated potential, to reach a qualitatively new level. Our team is committed to conquering new heights in the technological equipment market. Phone: +380 445 851 701 15th Zabolotnogo Street, City Kiev,, Kievska oblast Other Categories: Agricultural products and services in Ukraine Equipment | tools made in Ukraine |