Water complex Pliazh“PLIAZH” water park is the first complex in Lviv which combines entertainment, sports and recreation. Overall area of the complex makes up 13.5 thousand m², out of which 8.5 thousand m² are taken by the water park itself and the fitness centre. The complex for water types of sports was built in June 1985. The main aim of its activity is physical training and affirmation of a healthy life-style. The complex came to include a 50-metre sports swimming-pool in which water jumpers were trained as well as groups of synchronized swimming, swimmers of SC “Dinamo”, “Trudovi Rezervy”, “Avangard”, “Locomotive”. Pupils of sports school for children and youth No. 3 went in for water polo in KVVS, and for the first time in the history of Lviv a female team in water polo was organized - SC “Skif”. 242 “Health groups” were formed. The employees of industrial companies of Lviv entered these groups: Plant of Television Equipment, Bus Plant, Telegraph Equipment Plant, Kineskop, Lvivprylad, Jewelry Plant, etc. Also, in the complex there functioned the hall of athletic gymnastics, sauna, cafe. Average capacity of KVVS made up 3 thousand people/day. In the period of Reconstruction and in the first years of independence funding for the sports complex was gradually going down, this leading to its destruction. In 2002 the complex was transformed into a different form of ownership – Closed Joint Stock Company. After reconstructive and building works carried out in July 2008 there took place opening of one of the largest in-premises water parks of Ukraine. Phone:+380 322 638 297 114th Princess Olga Street, City Lviv,, L'vivska oblast Other Categories: Health | Medical services Recreation areas |