Vinnytska oblast
Browse Locations Vinnytska oblastUkrainian Business Company that are locating in the region of Vinnytsia
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40th Yakira Street,
City Vinnytzia,,
Vinnytska oblast
Firm «MED» has been based in 1994. The company has begun the activity with sale of musical audiocassettes, and then has expanded a spectrum of production at the expense of realisation of a high-quality video production. -
1st Zavodskaya Street,
Vinnytska oblast
AKW Ukrainian Kaolin Company is a subsidiary of the international active Quarzwerke-Group, a successful German company, involved in the extraction, processing and refining of kaolin. -
25th 600-letiya Street,
City Vinnytzia,,
Vinnytska oblast
Today JV «Sperco Ukraine» is one of the TOP 10 Ukrainian manufacturers. Currently 300 qualified employees are working for the company. Solutions, suspensions, suppositories, ointments and capsules are manufactured on five production lines....