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"AzovElectroStal" is a modern enterprise, which specializes in production of large and small wagon foundings, special castings and forged blanks for heavy, power and transport engineering industries, metallurgical, minerals and other productive industries of Ukraine.

Facility of "AzovElectroStal" in prudction of liquid steel, core-mold casting and forgings from ingots includes:
steel plant with electric arc furnaces DSV and DSP with capacity of 5 and 25 tons;

steel-casting complex with automatic molding line Kuenkel Wagner (Germany), jar molding machines and yard of heavy founding, as well as with yards of fettling, mix-preparation, rod and other;

press shop with automatic forging complex on the basis of hydraulic press with load 2500 and forging manipulator with tonnage 20 tons, heating and thermal stoves;

machining yard complete with drilling, milling, grinding, turning, boring-facing and other machines of different models;

pattern shop for producing and repair of model and core accessories of steel-casting complex.

Facilities of foundry allow producing material of carbon, alloy, and high-alloy steel grades.

Phone: +380 629 563 183

1st Mashinostroiteley square,
City Mariupol,,
Donetska oblast

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