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CONCERN Electron

CONCERN Electron

CONCERN Electron

At present OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "Concern-Electron" is the multi-type company, which consists of industrial, scientific and production, trade and service, financial enterprises.

CONCERN ENTERPRISES:Television plant "Electron" - enterprise that continues traditions of "Electrons" like national trade mark. Today enterprise manufactured wide range of TV-sets with screen width from 15 to 29 inches, also LCD TV-sets with screen width from 20 to 32 inches. In 2006 enterprise was awarded by "Best employer of the year" and become winner of national business rating of Ukrainian economic leaders, Electron TV-sets get title "Best domestic commodity of the year".

Plastic manufacture is equipped with modern "Toshiba" thermoplastic-automats, with compression effort from 50 to 1300 tons. They make possible to cast products from any kind of plastics and of different levels of complexity.

Leading enterprise in Ukraine in designing and mass production of TV-systems for special purpose, complex systems of TV observation and guarding of objects and territories, systems of technical protection of the information.
In the plant galvanic manufacture is adjusted. Details of non-ferrous and ferrous metals of any complexity are made

?Enterprise?Elektropobutprylad"- enterprise specialized in manufacturing of engines of low powers and different household appliances on their base. For the last years a wide assortment of products is mastered, which are used in every-day life, medicine, public feed.

Scientific and production enterprise "Karat" is the only plant in Ukraine specialized on material authority for radio electronics with fully completed cycle searching - investigation,  development , batch production.

Electron-Leasing is one of the biggest financial-leasing companies of the Western Ukraine, is a part of national association Ukrleasing, the founder of regional association "Zahidukrleasing", takes active part in leasing working group of the countries of central and the East Europe.

SDB Tekon-Electron is a developer and manufacturer of modern complex radio engineering equipment of special purpose for aviation and armored technique, civil aircraft, guard signaling systems and others.

Enterprise Energocentral renders services on repair of electric equipment, ventilation, pipeline systems and other. Rely on industrial base manufacturing of non-standard units, details, enterprise make repairing and building operations, installation and maintance of heating systems, electric networks, water and sewage systems, manufacturing of building constructions and materials.

Enterprise public catering establishment and trade is widely known among citizens of Lviv, it is a wide choice of tasty meat and confectionery products for a house tables. Not surpassed taste and faultless quality of production of the enterprise have deserved recognition of clients of all town.

Phone: +380 322 721 644

32nd Storozenka Street,
City Lviv,,
L'vivska oblast

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