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The Filatov institute of eye diseasea and tissue therary academy medical sciences Ukraine

The Filatov institute of eye diseasea and tissue therary academy medical sciences Ukraine

The Filatov institute of eye diseasea and tissue therary academy medical sciences Ukraine

The department of cataract microsurgery of the Filatov Institute of eye diseases and tissue therapy AMS of Ukraine was organized in 1999. It is the only department in Ukraine and the UIS specialized center of surgical treatment of a cataract where the operations of extraction of an age and congenital cataract are made with use of the modern surgical technologies. 

The department uses different operative techniques which allow to make out-patient and in-hospital operations. The number of beds of the department is 30 beds.
The founder and the first chief of the department was Ivan M. Logay, MD. Since 2004 the chief of the department is Sergiy K. Dmytriev, MD.
The department is equipped by the modern equipment and the instruments, which are necessary for the surgical treatment of the cataract patients.
Doctors of the department make operations on the Alcon (Infinity) and Bàusch&Lomb (Millenium) equipment. The department actively applies the methods of phacoemulsification (including "cold" (bimanual) phacoemulsification), aqualase (extraction of a lens by a jet of water), extracapsular cataract extraction, lensectomy, antyglaucomatic operations and vitrectomy, too.
The patient with the doctor can choose optimal model of an artificial lens for implantation before the operation. The department use all modern models of artificial lenses: foldable hydrophobic and hydrophilic acril IOL, including multifocal AcrySof Restor IOL, the rigid lenses which are produced by various firms. The maximal comfort of patients is very important for us: the various methods of the anesthesia are introduced, which allow to have painless operations, separate chambers with all convenience are available.

Phone: +380 487 298 415

Frantcuzkiy Bulvar, 49/51,
City Odessa,,
Odess'ka oblast

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