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The machine-building enterprise CherkassyElevatorMash has been manufacturing equipment for postharvest processing of a grain for more than 40 years. This equipment is delivered to more than 1000 agricultural enterprises in Eastern and Central Europe, Asia and South America.

Our equipment is shipped to Russia, Belorus, Moldova, Azejbardjan, Kazahstan, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Greece, Argentina. Our production growth constituted 125% in 2007.

All range of our equipment allows to solve the problem of transportation of various bulk materials to various distances and heights. Also we produce aspiration equipment and self-flowing equipment.

Big attention is given to complexes of the mechanized unloading and loading of grain, motor transport and railway coaches such as "Hopper".

We could reduce a prime cost of our equipment and, hence, the market value in comparison to the similar equipment thanks to active participation in international exhibitions all over the world, an effective utilization of resources, reduction of the cost price and improvement of production quality, minimizing of manufacturing period, fast reaction on the market changes and most important - adjusted trade channels.

Taking into account guaranteed quality of production, 70% of customers are our regular clients.

Since 1998 we developed a new direction of activity - production of extruders for grain and soya under trade mark BRONTO. This perspective production activity is developing successfully.

Since 2001 we have new priority direction for the food-processing industry - designing and producing of complex small-sized technological lines for manufacture of snack and instant cereals.

From 2004 CherkassyElevatorMash became one of the organizers of the annual international conference EXTRUtec on extruding technologies in agriculture and food-processing industry.

From 2005 we began to produce extruders EB-350 for fuel briquets with utilization of vegetative wastes (raspings, peel of sunflower, rice etc.)

From 2006 we began to produce extruders with pre-conditioner E-1500 for granulated mixed feeds for home pats, fish etc.

All the engineering specifications for manufacture are developed using computerized systems of designing.

We hope, that activity of our enterprise will cause the interest of Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers, and also all those who are interested in the development and modernization of the industry of grain storage and processing.

Phone: +380 472 642 418

7a Khimikiv Avenue,
City Cherkasy,,
Cherkaska oblast

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 Agricultural products and services in Ukraine
 Equipment | tools made in Ukraine