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Commercial Bank FORUM

Commercial Bank FORUM

Commercial Bank FORUM

The Joint-Stock Commercial Bank FORUM is a commercial bank headquarted in Kyiv, Ukraine offering a range of banking services through a network of branches and operational offices. FORUM Bank is one of the largest banks of Ukraine.

Since its foundation in 1994 FORUM Bank proved to be a powerful financial and credit institution, a reliable and stable partner that is consistent with the most contemporary standards of service, enjoying full confidence of its clients in Ukraine and abroad.

FORUM Bank is a universal bank which renders full range of banking services of the European level, finds an individual approach to each client and adheres to flexibility and efficiency in decision-making.
The majority shareholder of FORUM Bank is the International Germany-based banking group:

Commerzbank AG - 60% + 1 share
In November 2005, the shareholders of FORUM Bank completed a secondary private placement of existing shares among foreign investors of approximately 9.4 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Bank. This 9.4 per cent. shareholding was distributed among institutional funds in Western Europe. The shares were placed in the form of Global Depositary Receipts which were registered on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in early November 2005.

Currently 8.34 per cent. of the authorized capital is distributed among foreign investors in the form of GDRs. The nominee holder of the GDRs is the Bank of New York.

FORUM Bank offers its services via a network of branches and smaller outlets extending throughout Ukraine. The Bank's branches and outlets (operational offices) offer a wide range of banking services including lending, documentary transactions, securities operations, foreign currency transactions, settlement and payment transactions and international payment cards operations.

Branches offer the full range of the Bank's services to FORUM retail and corporate customers. Each branch has its own lending limits and decision making bodies which are customarily established within a year of establishment of the relevant branch. Each of the FORUM Bank's outlets are smaller and may not offer the full range of the Bank's services. All outlets offer current and deposit customer accounts and foreign exchange. However, only the larger outlets offer loan facilities, with limits set by the relevant branch or the Bank?s head office.

The Bank is expanding its network in the most populated and economically developed cities and regions of Ukraine (including Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, the Mykolayiv region, the Crimea and other industrial centres).

Call centre: 0 800 501 4

7th Verkhovnoyi Rady Blvd.,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

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