![]() Donbass State Technical UniversityDonbass State Technical University was formed on October 12, 1957. At that time it has the name Voroshylovskiy Mining-Metallurgical Institute. In 1964 due to changing the town's name it possessed the name Kommunarsk Mining-Metallurgical Institute, and in 1992 ? it became Donbass Mining-Metallurgical Institute. By the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 622 from 27.07.2004 Donbass Mining-Metallurgical Institute was reorganized into Donbass State Technical University (DonSTU). The origin of our university was put by outstanding persons, brilliant leaders and famous scientists. Among them are Pyotr Gmyrya, the director of iron-and-steel plant; the first rectors of our University Ivan Koval and Yuriy Voyevodin. DonSTU is the largest training center, a higher institution of the IV level of accreditation. It has the following departments: Mining, Metallurgical, Civil Engineering, Economics and Finances, Mechanical Engineering, Management, Automation and Electro-technical Systems, Foreign Student's department, training-consulting center Osvita, institute of advanced study and advanced training courses for managers and leaders, a college, and a scientific library. Our university has 8 separate departments in the regional cities Yenakiyevo, Krasny Luch, Rovenki, Lisichansk, Sverdlovsk, Pervomaisk, Rubezhnoye, Krasnodon, as well as two technical schools: industrial one in Alchevsk and mining one in Perevalsk. DonSTU has in its structure the scientific-research department, scientific-research design institute Parameter, State Inter-institutional Center for Laser-Location Observation for manmade Earth satellites ORION, having the status of National heritage of Ukraine, Donbass Department of East-Ukrainian branch of Archeology Institute of NASU, Alchevsk Branch of Institute of Physics of mining processes NASU and Ministry of education and science/ Scientific and technological activity of Donbass Sate Technical University is carrying out according to priority development trends in science and engineering in Ukraine. Our University issues its own newspaper IMPULSE, which has become one of the best student's newspapers and obtained the official recognition among youth's mass media. University's faculty is proud of its historical museum, as well as mining-mineralogical museum with its unique collection of minerals. DonSTU has its sanatorium-preventorium, sport-recreation camp ALTAGIR at Azov seacoast, culture and leisure centre TALENT, art production centre LADO. Training and advanced training of specialists is carrying out on multilevel system, adopted in Europe. During students? training we use present-day technologies. Much attention is paid to practical training of our students. They have practical trainings at the largest industrial enterprises and companies of Ukraine. Phone: +380 644 222 572 16th Lenin Avenue, City Alchevsk,, Luganska oblast Other Categories: Education available in Ukraine |