English Bull Terrier ClubNo one breed of dogs causes so much different feelings and emotions, as English bull terrier. Some people consider that English bull terrier is a masterpiece of English dog-breeding, others consider that English bull terrier must be forbidden. Some people consider that English bull terrier is a horseback of perfection, a dog with ideal physique, splendid motion, with the size suitable for any city apartment, others consider that English bull terrier is the most ugly dog. Some consider that English bull terrier is the most intelligent dog, for instance: Walter Scott, Raymond Openheimer and many other well known personalities. Others consider that it is a stupid dog, which is only able to terrify all surrounding. In books of most leading dog-breeders in the world it is said that English bull terrier is one of the best dogs for family with kids. However, there were occasions when English bull terriers attacked people. So what is English bull terrier itself? Why do people have such different opinions about this breed? And, finally what is truth, and what is fiction, misunderstanding or simply gossip? You will be able to know about this and many other things, if you visit our site. Phone: n/a Kievska oblast Other Categories: Pets | wildlife in Ukraine |