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First National Commodity Exchange

First National Commodity Exchange

First National Commodity Exchange

Core business of First National Commodity Exchange consists in the innovative approach to transactions performance.

Leading know-how of the Exchange is «responsibility Pledge» - the work system, whereby both the Buyer and the Seller confirm the transaction readiness. The system excludes involvement of unconscientious sellers and agents, trading in "air".

Contributionts equal to 10 % (of the transaction ammount) - from the Buyer and 3 % (of the transaction ammount) - from the Seller are to be placed on the guarantee account which is opened by virtue of the treaty on bank account for all transactors up to signing of the exchange contract. After signing of the exchange contract, confirming readiness of participants to a transaction, the Buyer shall transfer remaining 90 % of the transaction ammount to the guarantee account, and the Seller shall prepare to transfer the goods to the Buyer. Upon transfer of the goods from the Seller to the Buyer and Delivery-Acceptance Act signing, the Seller receives the sum equal to 100 % for the goods and his 3 % pledge.

In a case not signings of the exchange contract, both parties’ contribuions are refunded in full.

According to the exchange contract, any default shall be compensated on account of responsibility pledge in favour of the affected party.

One more speciality of First National Trading Exchange activity is working process mobilisation due to on-line auctions. Considering task load and numerous business trips, participation in trading process is possible through the Internet access where on-line mode is available on FNCE site.

Phone: +380 577 395 080

19th Kyrgyzka Street,
City Kharkiv,,
Kharkivska oblast

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