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IFC in Ukraine

IFC in Ukraine

IFC in Ukraine

Ukraine became a shareholder and a member of the IFC (International Finance Corporation) in 1993. As of December 31, 2008, IFC has invested nearly $1.1 billion in 45 projects. IFC?s investment program in Ukraine is expanding rapidly with a focus on the financial, agribusiness, construction materials, retail trade and services, energy and infrastructure sectors.

In FY08, IFC invested $307 million in a total of six manufacturing, financial markets and oil and gas projects and mobilized $300 million in syndicated loans, including $250 million to finance the modernization of one of the largest Ukrainian steel trading and holding companies.

Advisory Services
IFC has been conducting an extensive advisory program in Ukraine since 1992. IFC has contributed to privatization of small businesses and unfinished construction sites as well as to land and mass privatization. Current donor-funded programs offer advice on corporate governance to companies and banks, support the development of the leasing and agribusiness sectors, and seek to improve the business environment and promote the growth of small and medium enterprises.

Phone: +380 44 490 6400

30A Spaska Street, Podil Plaza, block 2, 6th Floor,
Kievska oblast

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