INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING THERMOPHYSICS OF NAS OF UKRAINEFundamental research works on thermophysical processes in heat power equipment; utilization of conventional sources of energy. Technologies and equipment for: - Processing, drying and storage of agricultural products; - Production of concentrated dairy, vegetable and fruit products; - Production of prophylactic sanative foods for people suffering imm suffering immune sickness and hormone dependency - Modern power- and resource saving technologies and equipment for small and municipal power , for construction, food, perfumery, pharmaceutical and other branches of industries - Thermophysical measurement devices and systems List of countries, which organization co-operates with (transfer of technologies and etc.): USA, UK, France, Germany, China, India, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Japan, Netherlands, Denmark, Vietnam. Phone: +380 444 566 282 2A, Zhelyabova Str., Of. 102, City Kiev,, Kievska oblast Other Categories: Education available in Ukraine |