PC AGROSPETSPROJECTThe company was founded in 1996. For years of existence the company has overcome the way of taking orders from other companies for vegetable processing and now it has taken the leading place among the green peas and sweet corn producers at Ukrainian market. Today the company presents own trade marks and continue to produce the products for other companies. «Agrospetsproject» is: • leader in processing of green peas and sweet corn in Ukraine • one of the chief enterprises in agrocomplex. • more than 400 work places. • 8000 ga of agricultural lands. • Zolotonosha cannery. • warehouses – square more than 25000 sq. m. • powerful agricultural transport park. Production: Agrospetsproject’s processing centre is Zolotonosha branch (the cannery), which is situated near the own fields (source of raw materials). Shot distance between the cannery and fields makes possible to process the crops in the shortest time after harvesting. Thanks to that fact maximum of useful matters are saved in the product. Production capacities allow to produce more than 500000 cans a day that consolidates the leading position in green peas, beans and sweet corn Ukrainian cannery. Agricultural branch: Company’s fields contain 8000 ga of agricultural lands. More than 3000 ga of lands are used for vegetables growing. The highest quality of raw materials is a garantee of a product high quality. That’s why the company grows green peas and sweet corn at own fields in Cherkassy region. Cherkassy region is the most suitble in aspects of climate for peas and corn growing. And besides, natural qualities of well-known Ukrainian black earth rich with wide spectrum of minerals are main fertilizers for growing. Leading world companies’ sowing material is constantly used by our company for growing. Green peas and sweet corn sorts selected for growing are characterized with higher sugar contents. Morden and powerful agricultural and production branches ensure success of perfect quality and provide quality control at every step of growing and processing. Logistics: The cannery and warehouses are situated at the square more than 20 ga, 32, Zhashkovskaya street, Zolotonosha, Cherkassy region.The product delivery is accomplished through over Ukraine from central warehouse. Well arranged system of packing and delivery makes possible to satisfy our partners orders in settled terms. Phone: + 380 442 586 270 17/25, Zhukovsky Lane, City Kiev,, Kievska oblast Other Categories: Agricultural products and services in Ukraine |