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Our firm “Pawol” since 1998 is in the market of Ukraine.

We are render services in customs registration of loads, we consult the clients on foreign trade activities (drawing up of the external economic contracts etc.). For this purpose the experienced brokers professionally performing the work are attracted. We have customs license warehouse and commercial warehouse.

Having storage rooms, we are rendering to our clients of service as on storage of their goods, and consignment services.

We cooperate to firms from miscellaneous countries: from Baltic States, from Russia, from Germaniums, from Great Britain, from Italy, from Francium and some other.

Accordingly we have a plenty of the clients in Kiev and regions of Ukraine. With us cooperate both suppliers and buyers, and transport companies.

Close interaction with the clients, count of features their business - schema, usage of urgent base of the normative documents allow to exclude excessive idle times of means of transport and to prevent the unreasonable financial losses.

We hope, that professionalism of the brokers of the company, benevolent attitude to the clients and the nonrigid price politics will make cooperation to us pleasant and favourable.

You always can count on our support.

Phone: +380 444 240 167

3rd Borodyansky Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

Other Categories:
 Transportation products and services in Ukraine