Swedish Ukrainian Business ClubBusiness develops out of meetings between people. The Swedish Ukrainian Business Club is one of these meeting places where business can start and grow. The club is a network of Swedish and Ukrainian companies and individuals who possess a strong belief in developing profitable cooperation between the two countries, as well as the strength to carry their visions through to realization. It strives to unite businessmen and entrepreneurs in Sweden and Ukraine who are interested in developing business activity between the two countries. Swedish Ukrainian Business Club was officially launched at a meeting at the Residence of The Swedish Ambassador to Ukraine on June, 21st, 2006. The Club is registered as a nongovernmental organisation in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. Mission: Create and support a platform for business development between Ukraine and Sweden by joining the forces of Swedish and Ukrainian companies, individuals and other partners into one joint network. Objectives: - Bring together companies, individuals and supporting organisations into interaction within a joint Swedish-Ukrainian business network Support the members in their internationalisation efforts - Provide opportunities for continuous business education and access to best practice Become a source of business news and business-related information about Sweden and Ukraine - Support social and cultural exchange between the countries Principles: - Members are ?associates?- i.e. everyone is prepared to ?give and take?. The Club will live as long as its members take initiative and make own contribution - Members bring in new members - it widens the scope of business opportunities Networking is the Club?s tool - an effective way of generating new business - Members? unique competence should be made available to other members - join the Board of experts! - Members live throughout both countries - the Club?s website should become the primary vehicle for communication and for disseminating information. Any new idea is welcome! - The Secretariat is there to support the members good ideas and help bring them to fruition Phone: +380 683 504 795 Kievska oblast Other Categories: Non-profit organizations in Ukraine |