The Ukrainian News agencyThe Ukrainian News agency entered the Ukrainian information market in 1993 and today holds a firm grip on the leading position among major providers of information covering business and political life in Ukraine. Over 10,000 clients use services of the agency every day. Starting with one issue a day, the agency now offers a line of 27 information and analytical products in Russian, Ukrainian and English. Taking special care of its clients? innovations and interests, the agency widens the range of its information services and improves the quality of their content year after year. The Ukrainian News regional network of reporters covers all the regions of Ukraine, thus enabling subscribers to get up-to-minute reliable information from all parts of the country. The agency products are available in any form convenient to the customer: real-time access to the newswire website, daily e-mail issues (sent at various intervals), weekly issues, or hard copies of news reports. Ukrainian News is the only agency in Ukraine that translates 100% of its products into English. Its clientele has thereby expanded far beyond Ukraine?s borders and today Ukrainian News reports are very popular among subscribers in the United States, Russia, European Union and even India. In Ukraine, the agency is a reliable source of information at the President's Secretariat, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Verkhovna Rada and other agencies of executive power as well as diplomatic missions of foreign states, leading TV channels, business publications and the largest commercial companies. In May 2006 the agency opened a press center equipped with high-performance equipment necessary for press conferences, presentations, roundtable talks, seminars, trainings, and other events. Phone: +380 444 943 160 20st Esplanada Street, City Kiev,, Kievska oblast Other Categories: News | Media in Ukraine |