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  • Web design and marketing
    Our team builds the websites that are fully comply with Ukrainian mentality, there for you have a chance to win the local
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  • Autec Imports
    Private enterprise "AUTEK Import" is the official representative of company "Autec-Group" in Ukraine, established in Germany in early
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  • Kharkov State Aircraft Manufacturing
    At present Kharkov State Aircraft Manufacturing Company is one of the leading companies in the field of aviation industry of Ukraine.
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  • Company Edican
    The company "Edican" is fairly new on Ukrainian market among producers of MDF facades for cabinet furniture and armored doors, however with solid reputation
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    is one of the first private higher institutions in Ukraine established in 1991. It is also one of the largest universities in Ukraine with over 32 000 students. It meets the needs
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Donetska oblast

Browsing Insurance companies in Ukraine » Donetska oblast

In this directory, you will find information about Ukrainian company that are providing various insurance services for Ukrainian and foreigners citizens and companies

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  • City Donetsk,,
    Donetska oblast
    ASKA - we have the honour of offering the cooperation on reinsurance to your dear company.
  • 18th Adm. Lunin Avenue
    City Mariupol,,
    Donetska oblast
    Founded in 1996 Joint Stock “ AZOV Insurance Company” (AIC) initially focused on writing marine business in Ukraine. Through rapid growth and expansion across a range of new product lines and implementation of team approach to solving.....
  • 89th Universitetskaya Street,
    City Donetsk,,
    Donetska oblast
    “Cremen” Insurance Company, JSC was founded on 3rd October, 1996 in Kremenchug, Poltava region.
  • 2B Prospekt Mira,
    City Donetsk,,
    Donetska oblast
    The Ukrainian Center of Environmental Audit and Insurance, Ltd (UkrEcoAudit) provides consulting services in the area of environmental audit and insurance. It was founded in 1996
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