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Grant Thornton Ukraine

Grant Thornton Ukraine

Grant Thornton Ukraine

Grant Thornton International is one of the world's leading organisations of independently owned and managed accounting and consulting firms providing assurance, tax and specialist advisory services to privately held businesses and public interest entities. Clients of member and correspondent firms can access the knowledge and experience of more than 2400 partners in over 100 countries.

Grant Thornton member firms work internationally with clients. They become trusted advisers on consolidated audits, raising money on the capital markets or navigating international regulations. Grant Thornton firms are leaders in the entrepreneurial market. They also provide specialist services to listed clients, particularly as international regulations restrict auditors of listed clients in many areas.

Being one of the leading audit companies in Ukraine and having more than 17 years experience in operating on the Ukrainian market Grant Thornton Ukraine offers a wide range of services including accounting and auditing (IFRS, ISA), tax and legal consulting, corporate finance (IPO, M&A, valuation, due diligence, raising finance), risk management, entrepreneurial consulting, outsourcing services and financial planning etc.

Grant Thornton Ukraine has 80 professionals experienced in diverse spheres and possessing all means to provide first class services efficiently and timely. Our clients enjoy the advantages of working with the Ukrainian experts possessing a deep knowledge of local business environment and foreign professionals who contribute the worldwide experience and knowledge of Grant Thornton offices. Scope of covering, diversity and geographical spread of Grant Thornton allow us to form the perfect teams of professionals to meet the needs and requirements of specific clients and adjust to them as required. We have different type of clients and structure of the company supports the task of responding to the need of the clients. Grant Thornton Ukraine includes departments of Accounting services department (services to representative offices), Banking departments (services to banks), Department of industrial audit, Corporate Finance department, Tax and Legal department.

Grant Thornton Ukraine specializes in servicing different types of companies, including joint ventures, companies with foreign investment, banks, insurance companies and representative offices of well-known foreign companies. Grant Thornton Ukraine has experience of working with IFI (International Financial Institutions) such as World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Phone/Fax: +380 445 833 0

19th Druzhby Narodiv Ave, 5-th floor,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

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