ICTVICTV - Ukraine's first private channel. Our position is clear: We work for the people and earn viewers trust. We thank everyone who supported us, who believed in us, and most of all - those who loved us. Every day ICTV comes with a new idea that surrounded by talented journalists, producers and show-mans. Our channel is a channel of big opportunities that cares about the interests of those who now focus their time and vote for ICTV. The history of channel began on June 15, 1992. Taking a course on entertainment, ICTV first among Ukrainian channels mastered the technique of dubbing foreign films. Today ICTV has one of the largest private broadcasting networks in Ukraine. ICTV broadcasts in all 93 cities from 93 cities with populations over 50 thousand people. The broadcasting is 24 hours a day. 95% population of Ukraine is capable to receive our services, and it is almost 41 million people. Phone: +380 442 881 919 11th Pankivs'ka Street, City Kiev,, Kievska oblast Other Categories: News | Media in Ukraine |