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LAZ Trading Company in Ukraine

LAZ Trading Company in Ukraine

LAZ Trading Company in Ukraine

LAZ Holding is a worldwide known brand whose history began in the last century. Founded in 1945, already in the middle of 50s it launched production of buses, which had no analogues not just in Europe, but all over the world. Designs developed by Lviv engineers became know-how in bus building industry.

Lviv bus has always been a leader of its industry and passed ahead the ?class-mates? as far as development was concerned. For this reason, only the specially developed LAZ buses were used in aerospace industry for delivery of astronauts to the launch site.

Output of LAZ buses in 70th years of the last century reached a figure of 13,000 units per year. Due to this criterion the enterprise was registered in the Guinness World Records Book.

Traditions to be the first and the best laid down in the last century are carried on these days.

Our representatives are:

City Transport Group
7, Vasylenko Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, tel. +38 044 351 10 82(84)

LAZ Trading Company in Ukraine
7, Vasylenko Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, tel: +38 (044) 501-47-34

Financing/Leasing LAZ Finance
7, Vasylenko Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, tel: +38 044 351 10 80

LAZ Service Company
7, Vasylenko Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, tel: +38 044 501 47 34

Lviv Bus Plant
45, Stryiska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine, tel: +38 (032) 239-75-17

+38 (032) 239-75-07, fax: +38 (032) 295-40-40

information service +38 (032) 239-70-00

Skype hot line: laz_ukr_1

Alexey Churkin, head of sales departament 

+38 (095) 260-16-46, e-mail: chlaz@laz.lviv.ua

Bulgaria, "TRADEBUS 2007" Ltd
tel: +3592 936 62 02, +3592 936 06 27
Maria Manolova, mob: +359 888 149 186

Romania, "S.C. LAZ-ZKT AUTOCAR S.R.L."
tel: +4 021 222 40 96, tel:+4 021 231 46 08
Valentin BOJESCU, mob: +4 0744 27 97 24
e-mail: office@laz.ro

Poland, "VIGRA Sp. z o.o."
tel: +48 12 357 62 03, +48 12 684 00 14
e-mail: office@vigra.pl

Italy, BASCO S.R.L.
tel: +39 031 945312, +39 031 945789
e-mail: info@bascobus.com

Phone: +380 445 014 734

7th, Vasylenko Str.,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

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 Transportation products and services in Ukraine