Public Health in UkraineHealth protection is one of the priority directions in the state activity. Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine (MPHU) is a leading body in the system of central organs of the executive power for the realization of state policy in the sphere of public health, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. The main tasks of the MPHU are as follows: • ensuring of the state policy in the sphere of public health, sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population, creation, production, control for quality and realization of the medications and products for medical purpose; • elaboration, coordination and control, including prophylaxis of the diseases, allowance of medical care, development of medical and microbiological industry; •- organizing of the allowance of free medical care for the population by the state and municipal departments; • organizing of medical care in urgent and extreme situations, fulfillment of the measures, connected with the liquidation of the consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe, in the frame of their competence; • elaboration of the measures on the prophylaxis and decrease of the morbidity, invalidism and mortality of the population; • organizing of the scientific research on the priority directions of science development together with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine . Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology (IHME) is a leading scientific institute in Ukraine in the field of hygiene and medical ecology. Main directions of the IHME activity: • hygienic aspects of the problems, connected with the liquidation of the consequences of the accident on Chernobyl NPP; • hygienic reglamentation of chemical, physical and biological environmental factors; • study of different population groups health state in connection with the environmental factors' effect; ecological-hygienic safety of the population in different regions; • estimation of the hygienic effectiveness in the new technical and technological solutions - elaboration of the hygienic requirements and reglamentations in the sphere of planning and building of the territories of different levels; • estimation of the environmental quality and stock-taking of the sources of the atmospheric, water and soil contamination; • hygienic assessment of the conditions of upbringing, education of the children and adolescents;consumer goods for children; projects for the child welfare institutions of different profiles; • elaboration of the methodological bases for the hygienic environmental control. Environmental health, rational use of natural resources, ensuring of ecological safety of the human vital functions are the integral parts of stable economic and social development of Ukraine. Phone: +380 445 597 373 Kievska oblast Other Categories: Ukrainian Government |