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Transnavicom company is a large Ukrainian developer and supplier of information, reference and cartographic systems on licensed CDs as well as of navigation GPS-systems, GPS/GSM tracking and control systems, business-logistics and taxi-coordinator programs etc.

For more than 10 years leading specialists of the company have been developing different cartographic production and their application for various commercial task solutions.
Company?s performance began in 1995 when it carried out State orders and special researches for military authorities and structures on the basis of ?Aviarm? research and production enterprise. In 2003 after the abolishment of secret mark and enabling of detailed maps? availability to public, it was decided to create new Transnavicom company for civil application of cartographic solutions.

Transnavicom created huge bank of cartographic data due to established network of contract organizations and friendly partner relations with cartographic firms of CIS countries. Moreover, every map is subject to compulsory monitoring and periodic update.
More than 90 skilled stuff (including 25 ones with higher technical education!) are involved in company?s activity.

Our digital maps are applied in various fields:
? navigation solutions for PND, PDA, cell phones, integrated car navigation appliances;
? fleet management ? GPS/GSM tracking and control;
? web mapping services and applications;
? maps for mobile operators;
? various activities in geodesy, cartography and cadastre;
? cartography for corporate clients in variety types of business (telecom, cargo transportation, distribution, logistics, retail, realty etc.).

Phone/Fax: +380 443 511

Parkway Ivan Lepse, building 4,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast

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