Ukrainian-British City ClubUkrainian-British City Club (UBCC) is a London-based non-profit organisation set out to function as a chamber of commerce to facilitate business, trade, investments and mutual understanding between Ukraine and the United Kingdom. UBCC organises business events, aimed at increasing awareness of business issues and is an excellent networking opportunity for corporate and individual members to widen business and trade contacts, as well as to promote and enhance their business activities in the United Kingdom and Ukraine. Regular social events are also organised. Membership is the foundation of UBCC. UBCC members enjoy a range of membership benefits. The Club is supported by its members and strives to develop the services they want. We welcome you to join our events by becoming a member of UBCC. Objectives: - to study, promote, protect and extend the industrial and commercial relations between individuals, firms, companies, corporations, institutions and associations of Ukraine and the United Kingdom - to organise events and functions to enhance Ukrainian-British trade, business and business understanding in the Ukrainian-British community - to provide members with various networking opportunities to enhance their business contacts and business understanding - to sponsor activities which will promote co-operation and goodwill in Ukrainian-British business relations The Club is a non-profit making organisation funded entirely by Patrons, Sponsors and membership subscription fees together with revenue generated from the activities. Phone: +44 (0) 203 207 12 Kievska oblast Other Categories: Non-profit organizations in Ukraine |