In this directory, you will find information about Ukrainian companies making military products
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8th Moskovska Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
State Enterprise Arsenal - one of the main manufacture directions is production of precise equipment for gas metering: household and industrial rotary gas-meters that are distinguished by small dimensions, great dynamic range of measurement -
ATEK Hot83rd Peremogy Ave.,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
ATEK, Close Joint Stock Company (none-state owned) is a leading engineering enterprise of Ukraine. -
35th Predslavinskaya Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
JSC “Kiev “Radar” Plant” – one of the leading enterprises of Ukraine specializing in manufacture of modern radio-electronic and radar equipment for airplanes and helicopters. Fair reputation of the Kiev radar is a result of many years’ successful.... -
26th Electrikov Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
In 1862 a Joint Stock Company "Leninska Kuznya" Plant" had been founded by production engineer Mr. Donat Fyodor Grigorievich. It had been a mechanical plant and iron-works and from the very beginning the plant had been a private proper