In this directory, you will find information about theaters and museum in Ukrainian as well as galleries with photos of Ukraine
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21st Rimskaja Street,
City Kharkiv,,
Kharkivska oblast
Was founded in 1929, Kharkiv Philharmonic is one of the oldest concert organizations of Ukraine. The House of Philharmonic – well-known landmark and cultural center – has seen for its history Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov, Shaliapin, and many other... -
24th Konstytutsiyi sq.,
City Kharkiv,,
Kharkivska oblast
The Kharkiv Puppet-Show occupies the bulding constructed at the beginging of the XXth century by architect Beketov and can boast a wonderful auditorium admitting 300 viewers... -
5th Spasska Street, office 30
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
EIDOS Arts Development Foundation is a non-governmental organisation committed to supporting contemporary art in Ukraine. -
Zaporizhska oblast
Fine arts of any kind evokes admiration and creates a feeling of light and richness of colours reflecting a state of artist’s mind, his feelings and emotions. -
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
The idea of creating the International Doll Salon “Kyivska Kazka” (Kyiv Fairy Tale) arose up not by chance. It is embodiment of old dream of friends’ team and like-minded persons - to create in Ukraine such event in area of fine art, which would...