In this directory, you will find Ukrainian natural resources available through Ukraine
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158th Academic Zabolotny Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
Open Join Stock Company Myronivsky Hliboproduct includes 19 enterprises located in the Kiev, Cherkassy, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Vinnitsa, Ivano-Frankyvsk, Kherson regions and in the Crimea. -
60th Artyoma Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
"Institute of Oil Transportation" (IOT) is one of the largest companies in Ukraine and in the CIS specializing in designing of facilities for transportation, transshipment, storage and distribution of oil and products...... -
3-5th Nesterovsky Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
Ukrnafta - the dynamics of oil and gas production levels and their absolute value varied due to putting into operation major oil fields.... -
L'vivska oblast
Main Oil Pipelines "Druzhba" as one of the main elements of the Ukrainian pipeline system ensures reliable and high-quality oil transportation to Ukrainian and European consumers -
6th Khmelnytsky Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
The National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine is the leading enterprise in Ukraine's fuel and energy complex, one of the biggest Ukrainian companies. -
77th Artem Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
"Ukrgazproekt" is located in many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. -
169 "G", Artyoma Street,
City Donetsk,,
Donetska oblast
OJSC "YUZHNIIGIPROGAZ" is a creative team of over 1000 highly-qualified employees having adequate expertise, employing computer-aided design and capable of solving various complicated research and practical problems. -
City Severodonezk,,
Luganska oblast
Severodonetsky ORGHIM is a modern company that renders engineer-and-consulting services in chemical and oil-and-gas industries. -
60st Sumskaya Street,
City Kharkiv,,
Kharkivska oblast
Giprokoks - the State Institute for Designing Enterprises of Coke Oven and By-Product Industry -
7th Vasylenka Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
The Eden Spring factory was opened on 24 April 2002 in Tatsenky village, Obukhiv District, Kyiv Oblast. We selected the site for future construction because of the favorable ecological situation of this area and the unique underground water....