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  • Web design and marketing
    Our team builds the websites that are fully comply with Ukrainian mentality, there for you have a chance to win the local
    (22475 Hits)
  • Autec Imports
    Private enterprise "AUTEK Import" is the official representative of company "Autec-Group" in Ukraine, established in Germany in early
    (19452 Hits)
  • Kharkov State Aircraft Manufacturing
    At present Kharkov State Aircraft Manufacturing Company is one of the leading companies in the field of aviation industry of Ukraine.
    (15920 Hits)
  • Company Edican
    The company "Edican" is fairly new on Ukrainian market among producers of MDF facades for cabinet furniture and armored doors, however with solid reputation
    (15079 Hits)
    is one of the first private higher institutions in Ukraine established in 1991. It is also one of the largest universities in Ukraine with over 32 000 students. It meets the needs
    (13747 Hits)

Show business in Ukraine

Browsing Show business in Ukraine

In this directory you will find information about Ukrainian show business including famous Ukrainian singers

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  • City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Creative studio “Kolorytmy” was founded in 2000 by Svitlana Yurchenko and Olena Zavalska. The basic motivation of the creators was a need to realize their amateur art talent and innovative potential.

  • Kievska oblast
    Best wishes from PR-agency "Publicity Creating", one of the leading company in the field of strategic communications and PR in Ukraine. Our corporate objective is to assist our clients to achieve their business purpose.
  • 14th Artema Street, office 21
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    PRONTO FILM have over 10 years in the production business and have built an extensive network domestically and internationally.

  • Kievska oblast
    Umka goal is to distribute Ukrainian music world-wide and to make it known and popular. The level of Ukrainian music has risen significantly and today, we are happy to offer you a wide variety of high quality Ukrainian music
  • 7th Marazlievskaya Street,
    City Odessa,,
    Odess'ka oblast
    We invite you to visit our club or attend any club's event. Our members are more than happy to welcome you and answer any questions you may have about The World Odessit Club and how you can join.
  • 14-A, Sribnokilskaia Street,
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Andre Tan, a successful native designer and the inventor of Smart Couture style, is an interesting person not only in the world of fashion, he has also an exciting biography.
  • 40-b Peremogy Avenue,
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Following the best world standards, Ukrainian Fashion Week is a guarantee of stable social attention towards Ukrainian fashion, increase of trust of Ukrainians towards the label "made in Ukraine".
  • 31/11, Predslavinskaya Street, office 83.
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Model agency "InterModels" started its activity in August 2004. The first achievement - the creation of successful product TM National beauty contest "Golden Crown of Ukraine.

  • Kievska oblast
    Kiev Swing Dance Club - whether you are a guest in Kiev for a few days, or live here, you are always invited to come to our dance classes or swing dance parties!

  • City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Designer Yulia Shtefan - the dreams of my whole life was to establish the Fashion house. And finally it was created! I’m designing beautiful things for most bea
Results 21 - 30 of 48 << < 1 2 [3] 4 5 > >>