Kievska oblast
Browse Locations Kievska oblastUkrainian Business Company that are locating in the region of Kiev
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10th Vinnytska Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
Around 2 000 students, both full-time and part-time, are currently studying in the Academy in order to get their Bachelors', Specialists' or Masters' degree. More than 200 highly qualified tutors are teaching in the Academy. -
8th Mikhailovska Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
International Organization for Migration - IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. -
Kievska oblast
The Universal Postal Union and UNAIDS together with the International Labour Organization and UNI Global have launched a global prevention awareness campaign. Post offices in participating countries will display HIV prevention information.... -
32nd -A Mazepy Street.
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
UNHCR current main role in Ukraine is to advise, assist and monitor the country's implementation of its responsibilities for the protection of refugees. -
27th Krasnova Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
A company LTD. «SAVSERVICE-CENTER» is a part of «ASNOVA holding» and is a managing company, co-ordinating activity of companies of holding, which are working in following directions - distribution, logistic, real estate. -
30th Borychiv Tik Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. We work in a Region made up of 53 countries, with over 880 million people, that stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific. -
Kievska oblast
Procter and Gamble Corporation in Ukraine - the leading consumer goods company with a mission to improve the lives of consumers wherever it operates! -
102nd Gorkogo Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
Company "LEATER" is the largest Ukrainian vendor and importer, developer and performer of complex projects in area of presentation, educational and professional audiovisual technique. -
15 km pr. Peremogy,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
The Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies -Centre "Ukrchastotnaglyad" is a specially authorized radio frequency body, acting as a State Telecommunications Inspection of Ukraine (STI) and belonging to the governing scope of Communicati -
32-A Ivana Mazepy Street,
City Kiev,,
Kievska oblast
To address the cross-border co-operation issues arising with the EU enlargement eastwards and to promote dialogue on asylum and irregular migration issues