Popular Listings

  • Web design and marketing
    Our team builds the websites that are fully comply with Ukrainian mentality, there for you have a chance to win the local
    (22477 Hits)
  • Autec Imports
    Private enterprise "AUTEK Import" is the official representative of company "Autec-Group" in Ukraine, established in Germany in early
    (19455 Hits)
  • Kharkov State Aircraft Manufacturing
    At present Kharkov State Aircraft Manufacturing Company is one of the leading companies in the field of aviation industry of Ukraine.
    (15921 Hits)
  • Company Edican
    The company "Edican" is fairly new on Ukrainian market among producers of MDF facades for cabinet furniture and armored doors, however with solid reputation
    (15081 Hits)
    is one of the first private higher institutions in Ukraine established in 1991. It is also one of the largest universities in Ukraine with over 32 000 students. It meets the needs
    (13748 Hits)

Ukrainian financial services

Browsing Financing

In this directory, you will find Ukrainian financial services where you could get a loan, open deposit or invest in some project.

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  • 52nd Verkhniy Val Street,
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Bulava Trading and Colsunting LTD - we are company incorporation specialists providing a comprehensive range of company incorporation services in particular in the ready made company market in Ukraine, enabling our clients to start doing business.
  • 5th Mezhyhirska Street, Office 12A
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Ukrainian financial company with foreign investments Investment Company "Atek-Invest" was founded in July 1995 as a closed join-stock company. Since that it is a member of First Stock Traiding System (FSTS) of Ukraine.
  • 1st Koshovogo Street,
    City Chernihiv,,
    Chernihivska oblast
    Soft Industry is the big, self-reliant company with main specialization in offshore software programming.

  • City Kharkiv,,
    Kharkivska oblast
    Acceptic is offshore software and web-development company mostly focused on outsourcing services.
  • 9V, Ivana Dubovogo side-street,
    City Kharkiv,,
    Kharkivska oblast
    UKRCONSULTING LAW FIRM LLC offer timely, competent and professional legal services not only to Ukrainian clients but also to various international corporate and private clients as well.
  • 57V. Tchornovil Ave.
    City Lviv,,
    L'vivska oblast
    Lviv Centre for Scientific Technical and Economic Information - established in 1967 the LvCSTEI is a leading state scientific informative structure in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in Western region.
  • 33rd Velyka Zhytomyrska Street,
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    The International Academy of Finance and Investment in accordance with the decision of the Board of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI), was founded as a higher education institution.
  • 4B/9 Chapaeva Street,
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Gemius S.A. is the largest online research agency in Eastern Europe.
  • 2-A, M. Kryvonos Street,
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    InfoStream - Information Technology - System - Services
  • 29th Berezniakivska St., 5-th Floor
    City Kiev,,
    Kievska oblast
    Mnemosoft Ukraine LLC is leader in business internet mass media, online recruitment, and internet content ratings.
Results 21 - 30 of 135 << < 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > >>